Thursday 8 November 2012

To Brand or not to Brand, isn't a question

So, here we are basking in our self congratulations as we've finally finished our new website to replace the old, slightly tired one and it's just about to go live. Great! This is a really nice position, you're happy to share your web space with anyone that will listen and you're sure that when they land there you will be telling them the right things.

But, the small tweaks and slight change of angle means that some of the existing literature we have doesn't quite match with the new sparkly site. Oh well, 'we can use them up and then get something new printed'. No! We spend a lot of our time talking to our clients about the overarching importance of consistent branding and the need to be seen everywhere in the same way. Even the smallest of changes can change a clients view of our company, a question may arise that we don't have the answer to. All in all, is it worth it to save a few pounds of money we have already invested into confusing how people see us? (that's a rhetorical question).

And so, we begrudgingly resigned the old, perfectly good and on the whole, relevant bits to the recycle heap and started again. It's just not worth it. However, we were also safe in the knowledge that you need to practice what you preach otherwise what help are you to your own clients?

Whatever your industry and whoever your clients are, a consistent brand is imperative in consolidating and building your business.

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