Friday 16 November 2012

Apps for the sake of it?

We cover quite a lot of ground in the work we do. No matter how focused you try and remain, clients have varying needs so flexibility has definitely been a positive over the last few months. There are cases however when a moment of taking stock and challenging the client is imperative.

Mobile apps are a good example. We often are asked whether we can produce them, 'yes' we reply. To which the client will usually ask us about content and what we would suggest they include in their shiny new app. This is all great and the creative process is one that we thrive on. But, before looking at what you will include in the app, you first need to define who will actually use it and what you want them to get from it. This last point is the most important, it's a marketing tool, this is pretty much the only question! Sadly, it's one that is often bypassed when the possibility of being in the app store and all the loveliness of having a cutting edge toy becomes more of a reality.

Apps are great, let's not get confused about that, used in the right way they are amazing marketing tools and can be relatively inexpensive in terms of the potential ROI. However, if what you do really isn't suited to an app, why have one? There are several reasons, branding, viral potential, client engagement on a new level etc etc, all valid points. But for an SME in an industry of mature clients who, on average, don't have a smart phone (as an example),  making an investment of a few thousand pounds on brand development and client engagement need to be more direct, until that marketing budget starts to grow considerably and you can start secondary targeting (relatives and friends of a different generation for example).

This is a minefield of debate and cannot be covered in the three small paragraphs above. But, it's always worth asking 'why?' before jumping into something new and exciting and making sure you're doing it for the right reasons!

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